Kala Patthar Blended Reserve 750ML
Kala Patthar is a full-bodied whiskey that is blended with the finest Nepalese grain spirits and the pure glacial water of the Himalayas. It is matured in Sherry and Oak casks from Scotland.
You go on an exquisitely flavored voyage with the exclusive blend. Starting with the delicious flavor of wild orchard fruits and the richness of creamy toffee, it progresses to the warmth of winter spices. You’ll detect opulent aromas of smokey malt with undertones of exotic vanilla, all of which combine to create a rich and silky finish with a fantastic character.
The bravery of the Sherpas and the devotion of the Scots are brilliantly combined in Kala Patthar, portraying the bravery of a daring explorer.
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1 review for Kala Patthar Blended Reserve 750ML
Amazing article, thank you so much.
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