Johnnie Walker Swing 750ML
Johnnie Walker Swing is a premium blended scotch whiskey that comes in a 750ML bottle, and is made by the world-renowned whiskey brand Johnnie Walker, which is based in Scotland. This whiskey is part of the brand’s exclusive range of premium scotches and has a unique and smooth taste that is the result of the expert blending of various high-quality malt and grain whiskies. The Johnnie Walker Swing has a rich, golden color and a distinctive, slightly sweet aroma with hints of honey and vanilla. The whiskey has a well-balanced flavor profile, with notes of rich fruit, vanilla, and caramel, and a long, smooth finish. The 40% alcohol content makes this whiskey a great choice for sipping neat or on the rocks, and it also works well in cocktails. At a price point of ₨9,750, Johnnie Walker Swing is a premium whiskey that is well worth the investment for those who appreciate a high-quality scotch with a unique and refined taste.
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