Johnnie Walker Black Label 1L
Johnnie Walker Black Label 1L is a popular international whiskey brand hailing from Scotland, known for its smooth and smoky flavor profile. With a volume of 1L and an alcohol content of 40%, this whiskey brand is perfect for those who appreciate the art of whiskey-making. Crafted by the renowned Johnnie Walker brand, this whiskey boasts a unique blend of selected whiskies that have been aged for at least 12 years, resulting in a complex and distinctive taste. Whether enjoyed on its own or mixed in a cocktail, Johnnie Walker Black Label 1L is a versatile choice for any occasion. At a price of ₨8,800, this whiskey brand offers great value for its premium taste and quality, making it a popular choice among whiskey enthusiasts worldwide.
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3 reviews for Johnnie Walker Black Label 1L
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Keeep this goibg please, great job!
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